
Google Associate Android Developer certification program allows aspirants to acquire and demonstrate knowledge and skills to perform tasks as a mobile developer. With this certification, developers can earn recognition in the industry and promote themselves to relevant employers, projects or communities.

Audience: Google Associate Android Developer training is designed for professionals who wish to build their career as an Android Developer.

Safehandsservices  with the best infrastructure is one of the leading Android Training Institute in Bangalore . We have proficient and eminent faculty members who deliver quality training in Android. The candidates can get exposed to minute details of the operating system and sculpt their skills to create best apps of their own.

For a thorough understanding of the subject; Safehandsservices covers the basic level of android platform to architecture and environmental tools along with the development. According to your convenience, you can take admission at Android Training in Bangalore.

You can be assured that both the training institutes offer the same facilities. Our course will cover RDBMS, creating a connection between SQL & JSBC, core java, the conception of OOPS, applets and most importantly, you will be given with some real-time projects to accomplish under the guidance of our experts. The candidates will be able to create Widgets, Layout Managers, Dialogs and UI elements, once they finish their Android course at Safehandsservices.

The important pre-requisite is that the aspirant must be well versed with Core Java, SQL topics and know the usage of Eclipse IDE. However, for the candidates not well versed in Java, a quick primer on Java would be provided.


Android OS – Highlights and Features

  • Android is an open source operating system which was implemented for mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets etc.
  • The source code for Android is available free and it is to be noted that Google publishes most of the code under Apache license.
  • It is cross compatible and also incurs a low cost for the development of apps.
  • The important highlight of Android OS is that it has a beautiful user interface.
  • It is easy to develop apps on this platform.

Upon Completion of this Course, you will accomplish following:-

  • Setting up Android Development Environment.
  • Event Handling and User Interface.
  • Using the action bar for various functions and capabilities.
  • Notification and Broadcast Receivers.
  • Service Declaration.
  • Fragment communication.
  • Async Tasks and REST web services.
  • Saving, loading and retrieving data.
  • Adding Google maps to an Android application.
  • Testing and debugging the application. Deploying the app on Google Play.

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